
In the summer of 2011, Bill’s yellow Labrador, Sage, had a litter of puppies. All had planned to go to loving homes of dear friends. However, Bill’s youngest daughter had other ideas. She wrote a multi-page essay explaining why the Eckstroms needed a puppy. Bill was convinced, so his daughter chose her favorite of the litter and named the pup after the beautiful trees that populate Colorado - Aspen.

It became clear that Aspen was different early on. She was so docile, so sweet, so calm - more so than any dog the Eckstroms had ever met. Though Aspen would have chosen to lounge by the fireplace all day long, Bill decided to introduce some complexity into her life. Thus, Aspen began the process with Healing Hearts to become a registered therapy dog. Unsurprisingly, she passed all of her tests with flying colors and graduated #1 in her class.

Aspen has been visiting senior homes and children’s hospitals ever since, changing lives everywhere she goes! She also works as the official Vice President of Office Therapy at EcSell Institute, bringing joy to everyone at the office. When she’s not working, you can find Aspen hanging out at one of her favorite local coffee shops or retrieving birds during hunting season.